Source code for app.domain.tags.controllers

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Annotated

from litestar import Controller, delete, get, patch, post
from litestar.di import Provide

from app.db.models import Tag
from app.domain.accounts.guards import requires_active_user, requires_superuser
from app.domain.tags import urls
from app.domain.tags.dependencies import provide_tags_service
from app.domain.tags.dtos import TagCreateDTO, TagDTO, TagUpdateDTO
from import TagService

    from uuid import UUID

    from advanced_alchemy.filters import FilterTypes
    from advanced_alchemy.service import OffsetPagination
    from litestar.dto import DTOData
    from litestar.params import Dependency, Parameter

[docs] class TagController(Controller): """Handles the interactions within the Tag objects.""" guards = [requires_active_user] dependencies = {"tags_service": Provide(provide_tags_service)} signature_namespace = {"TagService": TagService, "Tag": Tag} tags = ["Tags"] return_dto = TagDTO @get( operation_id="ListTags", name="tags:list", summary="List Tags", description="Retrieve the tags.", path=urls.TAG_LIST, ) async def list_tags( self, tags_service: TagService, filters: Annotated[list[FilterTypes], Dependency(skip_validation=True)], ) -> OffsetPagination[Tag]: """List tags.""" results, total = await tags_service.list_and_count(*filters) return tags_service.to_schema(data=results, total=total, filters=filters) @get( operation_id="GetTag", name="tags:get", path=urls.TAG_DETAILS, summary="Retrieve the details of a tag.", ) async def get_tag( self, tags_service: TagService, tag_id: Annotated[ UUID, Parameter( title="Tag ID", description="The tag to retrieve.", ), ], ) -> Tag: """Get a tag.""" db_obj = await tags_service.get(tag_id) return tags_service.to_schema(db_obj) @post( operation_id="CreateTag", name="tags:create", summary="Create a new tag.", cache_control=None, description="A tag is a place where you can upload and group collections of databases.", guards=[requires_superuser], path=urls.TAG_CREATE, dto=TagCreateDTO, ) async def create_tag( self, tags_service: TagService, data: DTOData[Tag], ) -> Tag: """Create a new tag.""" db_obj = await tags_service.create(data.create_instance()) return tags_service.to_schema(db_obj) @patch( operation_id="UpdateTag", name="tags:update", path=urls.TAG_UPDATE, guards=[requires_superuser], dto=TagUpdateDTO, ) async def update_tag( self, tags_service: TagService, data: DTOData[Tag], tag_id: Annotated[ UUID, Parameter( title="Tag ID", description="The tag to update.", ), ], ) -> Tag: """Update a tag.""" db_obj = await tags_service.update(item_id=tag_id, data=data.create_instance()) return tags_service.to_schema(db_obj) @delete( operation_id="DeleteTag", name="tags:delete", path=urls.TAG_DELETE, summary="Remove Tag", description="Removes a tag and its associations", guards=[requires_superuser], return_dto=None, ) async def delete_tag( self, tags_service: TagService, tag_id: Annotated[ UUID, Parameter( title="Tag ID", description="The tag to delete.", ), ], ) -> None: """Delete a tag.""" _ = await tags_service.delete(tag_id)