Source code for advanced_alchemy.extensions.litestar.dto

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field, replace
from functools import singledispatchmethod
from typing import (

from litestar.dto.base_dto import AbstractDTO
from litestar.dto.config import DTOConfig
from litestar.dto.data_structures import DTOFieldDefinition
from litestar.dto.field import DTO_FIELD_META_KEY, DTOField, Mark
from litestar.types.empty import Empty
from litestar.typing import FieldDefinition
from litestar.utils.signature import ParsedSignature
from sqlalchemy import Column, inspect, orm, sql
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import AssociationProxy, AssociationProxyExtensionType
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import HybridExtensionType, hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.orm import (
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import ColumnClause, Label
from typing_extensions import TypeVar

from advanced_alchemy.exceptions import ImproperConfigurationError

    from typing_extensions import TypeAlias

__all__ = ("SQLAlchemyDTO",)

T = TypeVar("T", bound="DeclarativeBase | Collection[DeclarativeBase]")

ElementType: TypeAlias = (
    "Column[Any] | RelationshipProperty[Any] | CompositeProperty[Any] | ColumnClause[Any] | Label[Any]"
SQLA_NS = {**vars(orm), **vars(sql)}

class SQLAlchemyDTOConfig(DTOConfig):
    """Additional controls for the generated SQLAlchemy DTO."""

    exclude: AbstractSet[str | InstrumentedAttribute[Any]] = field(default_factory=set)  # type: ignore[assignment] # pyright: ignore[reportIncompatibleVariableOverride]
    """Explicitly exclude fields from the generated DTO.

    If exclude is specified, all fields not specified in exclude will be included by default.

        - The field names are dot-separated paths to nested fields, e.g. ``"address.street"`` will
            exclude the ``"street"`` field from a nested ``"address"`` model.
        - 'exclude' mutually exclusive with 'include' - specifying both values will raise an
    include: AbstractSet[str | InstrumentedAttribute[Any]] = field(default_factory=set)  # type: ignore[assignment] # pyright: ignore[reportIncompatibleVariableOverride]
    """Explicitly include fields in the generated DTO.

    If include is specified, all fields not specified in include will be excluded by default.

        - The field names are dot-separated paths to nested fields, e.g. ``"address.street"`` will
            include the ``"street"`` field from a nested ``"address"`` model.
        - 'include' mutually exclusive with 'exclude' - specifying both values will raise an
    rename_fields: dict[str | InstrumentedAttribute[Any], str] = field(default_factory=dict)  # type: ignore[assignment] # pyright: ignore[reportIncompatibleVariableOverride]
    """Mapping of field names, to new name."""

    include_implicit_fields: bool | Literal["hybrid-only"] = True
    """Fields that are implicitly mapped are included.

    Turning this off will lead to exclude all fields not using ``Mapped`` annotation,

    When setting this to ``hybrid-only``, all implicitly mapped fields are excluded
    with the exception for hybrid properties.

    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
            self, "exclude", {f.key if isinstance(f, InstrumentedAttribute) else f for f in self.exclude}
            self, "include", {f.key if isinstance(f, InstrumentedAttribute) else f for f in self.include}
            {f.key if isinstance(f, InstrumentedAttribute) else f: v for f, v in self.rename_fields.items()},

[docs] class SQLAlchemyDTO(AbstractDTO[T], Generic[T]): """Support for domain modelling with SQLAlchemy.""" config: ClassVar[SQLAlchemyDTOConfig] @staticmethod def _ensure_sqla_dto_config(config: DTOConfig | SQLAlchemyDTOConfig) -> SQLAlchemyDTOConfig: if not isinstance(config, SQLAlchemyDTOConfig): return SQLAlchemyDTOConfig(**asdict(config)) return config def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) if hasattr(cls, "config"): cls.config = cls._ensure_sqla_dto_config(cls.config) # pyright: ignore[reportIncompatibleVariableOverride] @singledispatchmethod @classmethod def handle_orm_descriptor( cls, extension_type: NotExtension | AssociationProxyExtensionType | HybridExtensionType, orm_descriptor: InspectionAttr, key: str, model_type_hints: dict[str, FieldDefinition], model_name: str, ) -> list[DTOFieldDefinition]: msg = f"Unsupported extension type: {extension_type}" raise NotImplementedError(msg) @handle_orm_descriptor.register(NotExtension) @classmethod def _( cls, extension_type: NotExtension, key: str, orm_descriptor: InspectionAttr, model_type_hints: dict[str, FieldDefinition], model_name: str, ) -> list[DTOFieldDefinition]: if not isinstance(orm_descriptor, QueryableAttribute): msg = f"Unexpected descriptor type for '{extension_type}': '{orm_descriptor}'" raise NotImplementedError(msg) elem: ElementType if isinstance(, ColumnProperty): # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownMemberType] if not isinstance(, (Column, ColumnClause, Label)): # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownMemberType] msg = f"Expected 'Column', got: '{}, {type(}'" # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownMemberType] raise NotImplementedError(msg) elem = # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownMemberType,reportUnknownVariableType] elif isinstance(, (RelationshipProperty, CompositeProperty)): # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownMemberType,reportUnknownVariableType] elem = # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownMemberType,reportUnknownVariableType] else: msg = f"Unhandled property type: '{}'" # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownMemberType] raise NotImplementedError(msg) default, default_factory = _detect_defaults(elem) try: if (field_definition := model_type_hints[key]).origin in {Mapped, WriteOnlyMapped, DynamicMapped}: (field_definition,) = field_definition.inner_types else: msg = f"Expected 'Mapped' origin, got: '{field_definition.origin}'" raise NotImplementedError(msg) except KeyError: field_definition = parse_type_from_element(elem, orm_descriptor) # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownArgumentType] dto_field = if hasattr(elem, "info") else None # pyright: ignore[reportArgumentMemberType] if dto_field is None and isinstance(orm_descriptor, InstrumentedAttribute) and hasattr(orm_descriptor, "info"): # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownArgumentType] dto_field = # pyright: ignore[reportArgumentMemberType] if dto_field is None: dto_field = DTOField() return [ DTOFieldDefinition.from_field_definition( field_definition=replace( field_definition, name=key, default=default, ), default_factory=default_factory, dto_field=dto_field, model_name=model_name, ), ] @handle_orm_descriptor.register(AssociationProxyExtensionType) @classmethod def _( cls, extension_type: AssociationProxyExtensionType, key: str, orm_descriptor: InspectionAttr, model_type_hints: dict[str, FieldDefinition], model_name: str, ) -> list[DTOFieldDefinition]: if not isinstance(orm_descriptor, AssociationProxy): msg = f"Unexpected descriptor type '{orm_descriptor}' for '{extension_type}'" raise NotImplementedError(msg) if (field_definition := model_type_hints[key]).origin is AssociationProxy: (field_definition,) = field_definition.inner_types else: msg = f"Expected 'AssociationProxy' origin, got: '{field_definition.origin}'" raise NotImplementedError(msg) return [ DTOFieldDefinition.from_field_definition( field_definition=replace( field_definition, name=key, default=Empty, ), default_factory=None,, DTOField(mark=Mark.READ_ONLY)), model_name=model_name, ), ] @handle_orm_descriptor.register(HybridExtensionType) @classmethod def _( cls, extension_type: HybridExtensionType, key: str, orm_descriptor: InspectionAttr, model_type_hints: dict[str, FieldDefinition], model_name: str, ) -> list[DTOFieldDefinition]: if not isinstance(orm_descriptor, hybrid_property): msg = f"Unexpected descriptor type '{orm_descriptor}' for '{extension_type}'" raise NotImplementedError(msg) getter_sig = ParsedSignature.from_fn(orm_descriptor.fget, {}) # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownArgumentType,reportUnknownMemberType,reportAttributeAccessIssue] field_defs = [ DTOFieldDefinition.from_field_definition( field_definition=replace( getter_sig.return_type, name=orm_descriptor.__name__, default=Empty, ), default_factory=None,, DTOField(mark=Mark.READ_ONLY)), model_name=model_name, ), ] if orm_descriptor.fset is not None: # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownMemberType] setter_sig = ParsedSignature.from_fn(orm_descriptor.fset, {}) # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownArgumentType,reportUnknownMemberType] field_defs.append( DTOFieldDefinition.from_field_definition( field_definition=replace( next(iter(setter_sig.parameters.values())), name=orm_descriptor.__name__, default=Empty, ), default_factory=None,, DTOField(mark=Mark.WRITE_ONLY)), model_name=model_name, ), ) return field_defs
[docs] @classmethod def generate_field_definitions(cls, model_type: type[DeclarativeBase]) -> Generator[DTOFieldDefinition, None, None]: """Generate DTO field definitions from a SQLAlchemy model. Args: model_type (typing.Type[sqlalchemy.orm.DeclarativeBase]): The SQLAlchemy model type to generate field definitions from. Yields:[litestar.dto.data_structures.DTOFieldDefinition, None, None]: A generator yielding DTO field definitions. Raises: RuntimeError: If the mapper cannot be found for the model type. NotImplementedError: If an unsupported property or extension type is encountered. ImproperConfigurationError: If a type cannot be parsed from an element. """ if (mapper := inspect(model_type)) is None: # pragma: no cover # pyright: ignore[reportUnnecessaryComparison] msg = "Unexpected `None` value for mapper." # type: ignore[unreachable] raise RuntimeError(msg) # includes SQLAlchemy names and other mapped class names in the forward reference resolution namespace namespace = {**SQLA_NS, **{m.class_.__name__: m.class_ for m in mapper.registry.mappers if m is not mapper}} model_type_hints = cls.get_model_type_hints(model_type, namespace=namespace) model_name = model_type.__name__ include_implicit_fields = cls.config.include_implicit_fields # the same hybrid property descriptor can be included in `all_orm_descriptors` multiple times, once # for each method name it is bound to. We only need to see it once, so track views of it here. seen_hybrid_descriptors: set[hybrid_property] = set() # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownVariableType,reportMissingTypeArgument] skipped_descriptors: set[str] = set() for composite_property in mapper.composites: for attr in composite_property.attrs: if isinstance(attr, (MappedColumn, Column)): skipped_descriptors.add( elif isinstance(attr, str): skipped_descriptors.add(attr) for key, orm_descriptor in mapper.all_orm_descriptors.items(): if is_hybrid_property := isinstance(orm_descriptor, hybrid_property): if orm_descriptor in seen_hybrid_descriptors: continue seen_hybrid_descriptors.add(orm_descriptor) # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownMemberType] if key in skipped_descriptors: continue should_skip_descriptor = False dto_field: DTOField | None = None if hasattr(orm_descriptor, "property"): # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownArgumentType] dto_field = # pyright: ignore # noqa: PGH003 # Case 1 is_field_marked_not_private = dto_field and dto_field.mark is not Mark.PRIVATE # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownVariableType,reportUnknownMemberType] # Case 2 should_exclude_anything_implicit = not include_implicit_fields and key not in model_type_hints # Case 3 should_exclude_non_hybrid_only = ( not is_hybrid_property and include_implicit_fields == "hybrid-only" and key not in model_type_hints ) # Descriptor is marked with with either Mark.READ_ONLY or Mark.WRITE_ONLY (see Case 1): # - always include it regardless of anything else. # Descriptor is not marked: # - It's implicit BUT config excludes anything implicit (see Case 2): exclude # - It's implicit AND not hybrid BUT config includes hybrid-only implicit descriptors (Case 3): exclude should_skip_descriptor = not is_field_marked_not_private and ( should_exclude_anything_implicit or should_exclude_non_hybrid_only ) if should_skip_descriptor: continue yield from cls.handle_orm_descriptor( orm_descriptor.extension_type, key, orm_descriptor, model_type_hints, model_name, )
[docs] @classmethod def detect_nested_field(cls, field_definition: FieldDefinition) -> bool: return field_definition.is_subclass_of(DeclarativeBase)
def _detect_defaults(elem: ElementType) -> tuple[Any, Any]: default: Any = Empty default_factory: Any = None # pyright:ignore # noqa: PGH003 if sqla_default := getattr(elem, "default", None): if sqla_default.is_scalar: default = sqla_default.arg elif sqla_default.is_callable: def default_factory(d: Any = sqla_default) -> Any: return d.arg({}) elif sqla_default.is_sequence or sqla_default.is_sentinel: # SQLAlchemy sequences represent server side defaults # so we cannot infer a reasonable default value for # them on the client side pass else: msg = "Unexpected default type" raise ValueError(msg) elif (isinstance(elem, RelationshipProperty) and detect_nullable_relationship(elem)) or getattr( elem, "nullable", False ): default = None return default, default_factory def parse_type_from_element(elem: ElementType, orm_descriptor: InspectionAttr) -> FieldDefinition: # noqa: PLR0911 """Parses a type from a SQLAlchemy element. Args: elem: The SQLAlchemy element to parse. orm_descriptor: The attribute `elem` was extracted from. Returns: FieldDefinition: The parsed type. Raises: ImproperlyConfiguredException: If the type cannot be parsed. """ if isinstance(elem, Column): if elem.nullable: return FieldDefinition.from_annotation(Optional[elem.type.python_type]) return FieldDefinition.from_annotation(elem.type.python_type) if isinstance(elem, RelationshipProperty): if elem.direction in (RelationshipDirection.ONETOMANY, RelationshipDirection.MANYTOMANY): collection_type = FieldDefinition.from_annotation(elem.collection_class or list) # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownMemberType] return FieldDefinition.from_annotation(collection_type.safe_generic_origin[elem.mapper.class_]) if detect_nullable_relationship(elem): return FieldDefinition.from_annotation(Optional[elem.mapper.class_]) return FieldDefinition.from_annotation(elem.mapper.class_) if isinstance(elem, CompositeProperty): return FieldDefinition.from_annotation(elem.composite_class) if isinstance(orm_descriptor, InstrumentedAttribute): return FieldDefinition.from_annotation(orm_descriptor.type.python_type) msg = f"Unable to parse type from element '{elem}'. Consider adding a type hint." raise ImproperConfigurationError( msg, ) def detect_nullable_relationship(elem: RelationshipProperty[Any]) -> bool: """Detects if a relationship is nullable. This attempts to decide if we should allow a ``None`` default value for a relationship by looking at the foreign key fields. If all foreign key fields are nullable, then we allow a ``None`` default value. Args: elem: The relationship to check. Returns: bool: ``True`` if the relationship is nullable, ``False`` otherwise. """ return elem.direction == RelationshipDirection.MANYTOONE and all(c.nullable for c in elem.local_columns)