=============== Getting Started =============== The following is a guide to help you get this repository running. Setup ----- Most of the development-related tasks are included in the ``Makefile`` (See: :doc:`development`). To install an environment, with all development packages run: .. code-block:: bash make install This command does the following: - Install ``pdm`` if it is not available in the path. - Create a virtual environment with all dependencies configured - Build assets to be hosted by production asset server Edit ``.env`` configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There is a sample ``.env`` file located in the root of the repository. .. code-block:: bash cp .env.example .env .. tip:: ``SECRET_KEY``, ``DATABASE_URI``, and ``REDIS_URL`` are the most important config settings. Be sure to set this properly. You can generate a ``SECRET_KEY`` by running: .. code-block:: bash ❯ openssl rand -base64 32 +U9UcN0meCsxkShMINkqZ7pcwpEpOC9AwOArZI6mYDU= Deploy Database Migrations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can run most of the database commands with the integrated CLI tool. To deploy migration to the database, execute: .. code-block:: bash ❯ app database upgrade 2023-06-16T16:55:17.048183Z [info ] Context impl PostgresqlImpl. 2023-06-16T16:55:17.048251Z [info ] Will assume transactional DDL.